If you are wondering how to make a girl blush pick up lines then this is the right place to take inspiration from.
As they say, when meeting new people, first impressions are always important.
However, it’s a nightmare when you have no idea what to say while meeting someone you like.
Therefore, here are dirty pick up lines to make her blush so you can easily be your go-to icebreaker.
Yet, you need to be sure that you don’t end up offending using dirty pick up lines with girls, gf, partners, etc.
Otherwise, start with cheesy or smooth pick up lines as a warm-up and if she seems comfortable, you can use dirty lines to make her blush.
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Pick suitable dirty pick up lines to make her laugh or blush over text or in person.
Have fun..!!!
Dirty Pick Up Lines To Make Her Blush Or Laugh

- Did you sit in a pile of sugar? ‘Cause you have a pretty sweet A$$.
- Are you a campfire? ‘Cause you are hot and I want to be near you.
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- I’m not into watching sunsets, but I’d love to see you go down.
- Is it hot in here, or is it just you?
- I lost my keys… can I check your pants?
- Can I borrow a kiss? I promise I’ll give it back.
- You’re so hot, my zipper is falling for you.
- Are you a ghost train? Because I am going to scream when I ride you.
- That drink has too many calories, but I know a great way to burn them off.
- Love that dress, it would look much better on my floor though.
- Is it possible that you might be an elevator? I would happily go up and down on you.
- I love your shirt, can I try it on in the morning?
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- You have the hot buns, I have the meat, let’s make a sandwich.
- Do you go to the gym? I know one workout that you’ve been missing.
- I have no interest in having kids, but can we practice anyways?
- If I buy you dinner, will you be the dessert?
- Let’s help mother earth and save water by showering together.
- If I was a trampoline, would you bounce on me for hours?
- If being s*xy is a crime, then you are under arrest.
- Is there space in your mouth for another tongue?
- If I was a judge, I would give you the s*x penalty.
- It’s almost thanksgiving, do you want to be the turkey and I can be the stuffing?
- Does my tongue taste funny to you?
- Tell your b**bs to stop staring at my eyes.
Spicy Pick Up Lines To Make A Girl Blush Over Text

- Can you tell me what time you’ll come back to my place, please?
- You must be Jamaican because Jamaican me crazy.
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- Hey, my name’s Microsoft. Can I crash at your place?
- Was your dad a boxer? Because you’re a knockout!
- You must be jelly, cause jam don’t shake like that.
- I’m glad I remembered to bring my library card. ‘Cause I am totally checking you out!
- Are you the syllabus? Because I have been studying you like crazy.
- I love my bed, but I’d rather be in yours.
- Let only l@tex stand between our love.
- Just checked my battery life, it’s at 69%.
Dirty Pick Up Lines To Use On Girl Over Text

- You’re so hot, you make the equator look like the North Pole.
- I watched a documentary that said lips are the most sensitive part of the body, wanna find out if that’s true?
- Your body is 70 percent water… and I’m thirsty.
- Do I have to sign for your package?
- Please don’t let this go to your head, but do you want some?
- With school, I just want an A. With you, I just want to F.
- Roses are red. Violets are fine. You be the six. I’ll be the nine.
- What is a nice person like you doing in a dirty mind like mine?
- Let’s play Titanic. You’ll be the iceberg and I’ll go down.
- Don’t ever change. Just get n*ked.
- Are you the lottery lady on TV? Because I’m seeing you vividly holding up my balls.
Hot Pick Up Lines To Leave Her Speechless

- Is your name Chamomile? Because you look like a hot-tea.
- Do you have a shovel? Because I’m digging your look.
- Wanna help me get on Santa’s naughty list this year?
- Do you feel sick? Because I think you’re suffering from a lack of vitamin Me.
- Your lips look lonely. How about I introduce them to mine?
- Dinner first, or can we go straight for dessert?
- Do I know you? ‘Cause you look a lot like my next girlfriend.
- You must have been in prison? It must be illegal to look so beautiful.
- You don’t need keys to drive me crazy.
- I’ve been feeling a little lifeless lately—would you give me mouth-to-mouth?
- I’m on top of things. Would you like to be one of them?
- Is your name winter? Because you’ll be coming soon.
- Do you want to commit a sin for your next confessional?
- We were both born without clothes.
- Does your name start with “C” because I can “C” us getting down.
- Want to go half on a baby?
- Yeah, it’s big, and if you pet it, it gets aggressive, oh and it spits 😉
Best Pick Up Lines To Make Her Feel Special

- Hey, tie your shoes! I don’t want you falling for anyone else.
- Complete this sentence: “You, me, and __.”
- Are you Siri? Because you autocomplete me.
- Hey. I’m Mr. Right. I heard you were looking for me.
- Wanna share your side of the bed tonight?
- Well, here I am. What are your other two wishes?
- I think I could fall madly in bed with you.
- If you were a potato, you would be a sweet one.
- Does your name begin with a C? Because I C us together.
- Thank God I have life insurance. Because you make my heart stop.
Cheesy Pick Up Lines To Make Her Blush
- Hi, I’m writing a phonebook. Can I have your number?
- Do you have a name, or can I just call you ‘mine?’
- Falling for you would be a very short trip.
- I’ll be yours forever. Just tell me when to start.
- Do you drink soda? Because you look so-da-licious.
- If you’re feeling down, I can feel you up.
- I’m not a dentist, but I bet I could give you a filling.
- Kiss me if I’m wrong, but fish can fly, right?
- Do you have a pen? I want to write about our future.
- Do you know French? Coz Eifell for you.
FAQ on Using Dirty Pick-Up Lines
Q1: What are dirty pick-up lines? A1: Dirty pick-up lines are flirtatious or humorous phrases with a bold or sexual undertone. They’re often used to break the ice or show interest in a playful and direct way, aiming to elicit a blush, a laugh, or a flirtatious response.
Q2: When is it appropriate to use dirty pick-up lines? A2: It’s crucial to use dirty pick-up lines in contexts where such humor is appropriate and welcome. This typically means within established relationships where both parties are comfortable with such exchanges, or in social situations where the tone and nature of the conversation are clearly open and consenting.
Q3: How can I make sure my use of a dirty pick-up line is well-received? A3: Ensure that the context is appropriate, and pay close attention to the other person’s cues and boundaries. It’s important to have a mutual understanding and respect for each other’s comfort levels. If in doubt, it’s better to err on the side of caution and choose a less risqué line.
Q4: Can dirty pick-up lines truly make someone blush? A4: Yes, when used correctly and with the right person, dirty pick-up lines can elicit a blush or a laugh, contributing to a playful and flirtatious atmosphere. However, the key is knowing the person well enough to predict their reaction positively.
Q5: Are there any risks associated with using dirty pick-up lines? A5: Yes, if used inappropriately or without considering the other person’s feelings and boundaries, dirty pick-up lines can offend or make someone uncomfortable. It’s vital to use them responsibly and to be prepared to apologize and change the subject if they’re not well-received.
Q6: Can dirty pick-up lines be used over text? A6: Dirty pick-up lines can be especially tricky over text, as it’s harder to gauge the recipient’s reaction in real-time. Use them with caution and preferably with someone who you know enjoys that kind of humor and flirtation.
Q7: How can I respond if someone uses a dirty pick-up line on me and I don’t like it? A7: If you’re uncomfortable with a dirty pick-up line someone uses on you, it’s okay to express your feelings honestly and set boundaries. A simple response indicating you’re not comfortable with that type of humor can help communicate your boundaries respectfully.
Q8: Are dirty pick-up lines effective in starting relationships? A8: Dirty pick-up lines are more about sparking a moment of flirtation than forming the basis of a serious relationship. While they can break the ice, building a relationship requires more substantial communication and shared interests.
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