Here are funny halloween puns to have a fun time sharing them with friends and others.
Moreover, these Halloween puns include dirty, horror, names, costume, ghost one liners, etc.
Pick suitable puns on Halloween that are suitable for marketing or fit your requirement.
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Happy Halloween…!!!
Scary Halloween Puns

A scare is born tonight.
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I’m always creepin’ it real.
Happy Howl-oween!
Where my ghouls at?
Love at first bite.
Ghouls just want to have fun!
Live, laugh, scare.
You’re just my (blood) type.
Eat, drink, trick.
Have a fang-tastic Halloween!
Let’s have some skele-fun!
All tricks, no treats.
Fangs for the memories.
Fiends for life.
A cutie that’s a little spooky.
You’ve ghost to be kidding me!
Bring your own boos.
Bat to the bone.
Creep it real.
Hello, gourd-geous.
Eat, drink, and be scary.
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Lift your spirits!
Mummy of the year.
Too cute to spook.
Howl you doin’?
Oh my gourd!
Come as you aren’t.
A scare is born.
Halloween Pun Costumes

It’s the most wonderful time of the fear.
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Someone’s spoiling for a fright.
Who brought the boo’s?
How do you spell relief? M-A-G-I-C.
Don’t like my costume? I couldn’t scare less.
Deja boo!
This is my resting witch face.
What ghost around, comes around.
Diamonds are a ghoul’s best friend.
Witch way to the party?
Meow you’re talking!
Squad ghouls.
Life’s a witch, then you fly.
It’s a grave new world out there.
Let’s get this party star-dead!
Dirty Halloween Puns

I bet I can make you scream tonight.
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Nice pumpkins!
I promise to hold you if you get scared.
Let’s take this party back to my coffin.
If I were a zombie, I’d eat you first.
I could make the hairs on your neck stand up.
I would totally carve your pumpkin.
I might not be a vampire, but I sure know how to suck.
I’m a pirate, so give me that booty!
Hey, Baby, did you know they call me “PumpkinHead”?
Baby, you’re sweeter than candy corn.
If I were a zombie, I’d eat you first.
It’s scary how good you look.
Want to check my pants for a treat?
Ooh, you look boo-tilicious!
Forget your broom, ride me instead?
You must be made of candy because you look so sweet.
Call me a pirate and give me that b00ty
It’s scary how good you look.
I wanna bob for yo’ apples.
Will you let me lick your Milky Way?
Halloween Puns One Word

Squash goals.
Life is gourd.
Wicked awesome.
Feeling witchy.
Twix or treat!
Lazy bones.
Bone to be wild.
Creep it real.
Basic witch.
Bone appetit!
Boo Felicia.
Taco Belle.
Robin Graves
Horror Puns
If you’ve got it, haunt it.
Fri-yay the 13th.
Keep calm and spook on.
Who ghost there?
Bugs and hisses.
Handle with scare.
You slay me.
Can I be Frank?
Skella rad!
We’re Nerds.
It’s Crunch time.
Ghost Puns
Diamonds are a ghoul’s best friend.
I think I have deja-boo.
Romeo and Ghouliet.
Boo, Felicia.
It’s time to boo-gie!
You’re boo-tiful!
You’re my best ghoul-friend.
If you’ve got it, haunt it.
Looking fa-boo-lous.
Get in the Halloween spirits!
Ghouls just want to have fun.
Where my ghouls at?
Shake your boo-ty!
Here for the boos.
Squad ghouls.
Ghouls just want to have fun
I’m here for the boos.
Shake your boo-ty!
Romeo and Ghouliet.
I go to the bars for boos.
Fasten your sheet belts!
I think I have deja-boo.
We look fa-boo-lous!
Ghosts just wanna have fun!
We’re here for the boos!
Halloween Puns One Liners
How do ghosts take their coffee?
With scream and sugar.
How do you say “goodbye” to a vampire?
So long, sucker!
How do you make a skeleton laugh?
Tickle its funny bone.
Did you hear about the gloomy jack-o’-lantern?
It needed to lighten up.
What’s a ghost’s least favorite day of the week?
Did you hear about the zombie party?
It wasn’t very lively.
What do you call a werewolf with a fever?
A hot dog.
Why did the zombie eat brains?
He wanted food for thought.
Where do baby ghosts go?
How do skeletons make calls?
On the tele-bone.
Which Great Lake should you visit on Halloween?
Lake Eerie.
What sport do bats like to play?
What do you need to unlock a haunted house?
A spoo-key.
What did one invisible man say to the other?
Long time, no see.
How can you prevent being possessed by a demon?
Why did the scarecrow win an award?
It was outstanding in its field.
Did you hear the one about the confusing cemetery book?
It had too many plots.
What do birds say on Halloween?
Trick or tweet.
Where do spiders do their online shopping?
On the web.
Why don’t haunted houses like rain?
It dampens their spirits.
Why do cemeteries have fences?
Everyone’s dying to get in.
Halloween Puns Names
Paul Behrer.
Ivana Suckyourblood.
Mort Ician.
Robin Graves
Tom B. Stone
Bee Headed
Bea L. Zebub
Donna Killmee
Colin Clammy
Peg N. DeHart
All Gore
Rick R. Mortice
Miss N. Limbs
Ima Goner
M. Pacter
Will X. Pyre
Vick Thim
Woody Chipper
Hal O. Cranium
Cole S. Terol
Dea Thrattle
Jack O’Lantern
Ima Kilyu
Rip Herelies
Dan Gerrous
Cass Kett
Dee Seased
Sid E. Tyres
I.M. Pale
Bea Reeves
Carrie Dowdt
Harv Estingsoules
Myron Yon
Cal Amity
Sue Pine
Mark Fordeth
Drew Shortstraw
Diane Otherday
Dee Jenny Rayshaun
Jan Gling
Ed Les Orseman
Wulf Mann
Rick R. Treat
I. M. Thost
Barry D. Hatchet
Fester N. Boile
Ann O. Recksia
Chess Hertz
Candy N. DeBasket
Holden D. Guttsin
Carrie Onsters
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