If you are looking for pick up lines in October then what’s better than October pick up lines.
Here are some of the best October pickup lines that include cute, funny, and dirty lines around Halloween for him and her.
Pick suitable pick up lines that fit your requirement.
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Have fun…!!!
October Pick Up Lines For Tinder

Come to my place on October 31st. Pumpkins aren’t the only ones getting their insides rearranged this Halloween.
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Hey gorgeous, will you be my Tinderella?
I’d never ghost you — not even on Halloween.
Want to see a horror movie? I’m looking for someone to hold me during the scary parts.
You make my heart beat faster than a haunted house.
I witch’ you’d go out with me.
You must be a zombie, you’re drop-dead gorgeous.
It’s spooky how hot you are!
Funny October Pick Up Lines

Will you zom-be mine?
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Are you a ghost? You’ve been haunting my dreams all night.
This might be (candy) corny, but will you go out with me?
I don’t have a costume, can I go as your date?
I’m a ghoul for you.
I’d sit in a pumpkin patch with you any night.
I know what you should be for Halloween: mine.
October Pick Up Lines For Him

Now that it’s October, does that make you my boo?
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Are you a monster? Because you look Frankenfine.
I’m not dressing up as a ghost, but you can get under my sheets.
Looks like the neighbors are giving out snacks tonight.
Baby, you’re sweeter than candy corn.
Are you dressed as “the most attractive person here?”
If I were a zombie, I’d eat you first.
Are you a zombie? Because I’m really liking your brains.
I didn’t know that my favorite Halloween treat came in life-size.
What’s a nice ghoul like you doing in a crypt like this?
You must be made of candy because you look so sweet.
Are you a witch? Because I’m definitely under your spell.
Want to check my pants for a treat?
It’s scary how good you look.
Dirty October Pick Up Lines

Your costume looks great on you! It’d look even better off you.
I’m no vampire, but I sure do know how to suck.
I’m a vampire…permission to bite your neck?
I’ll get your heart racing faster than a haunted house.
Forget your broom, ride me instead?
Want to find out what I turn into at midnight?
I bet I can make you scream tonight.
I’m a pirate, so give me that booty!
Cute October Pick Up Lines

Will you be my boo?
You’re bewitching.
Talking to you makes me feel like I’m under a spell.
You don’t have to worry; I’m all treats, no tricks.
You’re sweeter than any Halloween candy.
How you boo-in’?
October 10th Pick Up Lines

Girl, are you the first of October? Because you’re 1/10
Are you October 10th? cause you’re a 10/10
It may not be October 10th yet… But you sure are a 10/10…
Were you born on 10th of October??
Are you the date? Because you’re a 10/10
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