Here are some of the best handpicked Thanksgiving trivia for kids to have a fun time asking questions with answers this holiday season.
Moreover, these multiple choice Thanksgiving trivia include easy, funny, facts, and food quiz for elementary, and middle schoolers.
Happy Thanksgiving…!!!
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Funny Questions About Thanksgiving

How long was the first Thanksgiving celebration?
A. Three days
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Who is the funniest person at the table and why?
What meats were served at the first Thanksgiving celebration?
A. Venison, swan, duck and goose were likely—not turkey!
If you could have named yourself, what name would you have picked?
What seafood was served at the first Thanksgiving feast?
A. Lobster, oysters, fish and possibly eel
Statistically, what is Americans’ favorite Thanksgiving side dish?
A. Stuffing
About how many pumpkin pies are consumed every Thanksgiving?
A. About 50 million.
Which person here do you wish you knew better?
What is the wobbly red piece of flesh on top of the beak of a turkey?
A. A snood.
What percent of Americans skip turkey on Thanksgiving?
A. About 12 percent.
Thanksgiving Questions For Students

Do male or female turkeys gobble?
A. Male
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Which state raises the most turkeys for Thanksgiving?
A. Minnesota
How big was the world’s largest pumpkin pie?
A. 3,699 pounds, 20 feet in diameter
What other noises do turkeys make besides gobbling?
A. Purring, cackling, yelping
What has made you happiest in your life so far?
Think about the ways we connect with each other. Which ways are you thankful for?
What’s your favorite Thanksgiving pie?
Who here has participated in Black Friday shopping? Share your craziest story.
What’s your favorite Thanksgiving tradition?
Easy Thanksgiving Trivia For Kids

Where was the first Thanksgiving in the U.S.?
A. Plymouth, Massachusetts
What was missing from the first Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade?
A. Balloons
Has Thanksgiving always been the last week of November?
A. No
Why is football played on Thanksgiving?
A. Baseball used to be too popular.
Do Americans prefer apple pie or pumpkin pie?
A. Apple pie
What turkeys actually gobble?
A. Male turkeys
True or false: Eating turkey makes you tired.
A. False
What meat is the most popular alternative to turkey on Thanksgiving?
A. Ham
Thanksgiving Food Trivia Questions

Is the pumpkin a fruit or a vegetable?
A. A fruit.
What is an adult female turkey called?
A. A hen
What constitutes a Thanksgiving meal/dinner?
A. Turkey, cranberry sauce, potatoes, beans, etc.
What’s a turducken?
A. A combination of turkey, duck, and chicken.
What exactly does green bean casserole consist of?
A. Green beans, cream of mushroom soup, and french fried onions.
Pumpkins are native where?
A. North America.
What meats were served during this Thanksgiving celebration?
A. Venison, duck, swan, and goose – but not turkey!
What meat product is usually high in demand during Thanksgiving?
A. Turducken.
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, how many places in the U.S. are named Cranberry?
A. Five
Thanksgiving Trivia Questions For Middle Schoolers

What year was the first Thanksgiving celebrated in America?
A. 1621
Which state produces the most cranberries?
A. Wisconsin.
Which President officially declared Thanksgiving a national holiday?
A. President Abraham Lincoln
How many Pilgrims survived the first winter in America?
A. About half
Once cooked, how long can turkey sit before it should be refrigerated?
A. No longer than two hours
When was the first Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade?
Which Native American tribe celebrated the first Thanksgiving with the Pilgrims?
A. Wampanoag
Thanksgiving Trivia For Elementary Students
Which country did the pilgrims belong to?
A. England
In which city is the annual Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade held?
A. New York City
Which city hosted the first Thanksgiving parade?
A. Philadelphia
What does cornucopia symbolise?
A. Abundance
When did the tradition of Turkey Pardoning start?
A. 1989
The tradition of celebrating thanksgiving with friends a day before or after the actual Thanksgiving is called?
A. Friendsgiving
Which popular race is held on Thanksgiving day?
A. Turkey Trot
What is the name of the day after Thanksgiving.
A. Black Friday
Thanksgiving Trivia Questions And Answers Pdf
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