Here are handpicked funny Halloween jokes to have a fun time making everyone laugh around you.
Moreover, these funniest Halloween jokes include dirty and clean jokes for seniors and adults for trick or treat.
Happy Halloween…!!!
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Funniest Halloween Jokes For Adults

What do you get when you put a spider on an ear of corn?
A: A cobweb.
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Who did the ghost take on a date?
A: His ghoul-friend.
What do you call a spider with 20 eyes?
A: A spiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiider.
Why wouldn’t the ghost dance at the party?
A: He had no body to dance with him.
When is it bad luck to be followed by a black cat?
A: When you’re a mouse.
What position does the ghost play in soccer?
A: Ghoul-keeper.
What is a pause in work at a mortuary called?
A: A coffin break.
What did the ghost say when he realized he’d been cheated?
A: I’ve been bam-BOO-zled!
What kind of monster loves to disco?
A: The boogieman.
Why do ghosts go on diets?
A: So they can keep their ghoulish figures.
Why didn’t the scarecrow eat dinner?
A: He was already stuffed.
Where does a ghost go on vacation?
A: Mali-boo.
What do you call a fat pumpkin?
A: A plumpkin.
Why did the ghost go into the bar?
A: For the boos.
Are any Halloween monsters good at math?
A: No—unless you Count Dracula!
What is in a ghost’s nose?
A: Boo-gers.
What genre of music does a mummy like the best?
A: Wrap!
Why do demons and ghouls hang out together?
A: Because demons are a ghoul’s best friend!
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Where do ghosts like to travel on vacation?
A: The Dead Sea
Why did the ghost starch his sheet?
A: He wanted everyone scared stiff.
Clean Funny Halloween Jokes

What do you call a single vampire?
A: A bat-chelor.
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What kind of monster loves to disco?
A: The boogieman.
Why are graveyards noisy?
A: Because of all the coffin!
Why are zombies so hard to understand?
A: They’re very crypt-ic.
What subject in school is easy for a witch?
A: Spell-ing
What is in a ghost’s nose?
A: Boo-gers.
Do you know how to make a witch itch?
A: You take away the w!
What’s a ghost’s favorite play?
A: Romeo and Ghoul-iet.
What did the vampire say about the Dracula movie?
A: It was fang-tastic!
Why was the baby ghost sad?
A: He wanted his mummy!
What do ghosts say when something is really neat?
A: Ghoul!
Why do ghosts like to ride in elevators?
A: It raises their spirits!
What do little monsters call their parents?
A: Mummy and Deady!
What do skeletons say before eating?
A: Bone Appetit!
What is a monster’s favorite bean?
A: A Human Bean!
Where do most werewolves live?
A: In Howlywood, CA
What do birds give out on Halloween night?
A: Tweets!
Funny Halloween Jokes For The Office

Why can’t werewolves play basketball?
A: They get too many howls.
What is a monster’s favorite halloween candy?
A: Bugs and (Hershey’s) kisses.
What’s a vampire’s favorite TV show?
A: Big Fang Theory.
What is a ghoul’s favorite candy flavor?
A: Lemon and slime.
What’s a zombie’s favorite band?
A: The Dead Hot Chili Pepper.
What is a baby ghost’s favorite game to play on Halloween?
A: Peek-a-boo.
Why did the ghost quit his job?
A: They kept making him work the graveyard shift.
How did Dracula learn to be a vampire?
A: He took a crash corpse.
What are a monster’s favorite pets?
A: Creepy crawlies.
Why do cemeteries have waiting lists?
A: Because everyone’s dying to get in.
What did the zombie mom say when her ghouls asked to take the car?
A: Over my dead body.
What is a vampire’s favorite halloween candy?
A: A sucker.
Funny Dirty Halloween Jokes

What’s the most popular dating app for skeletons in 2020?
A: The Bone Zone.
Why did the monster go inside the bar?
A: For the boos.
How do two skeletons have sex?
A: Boning all night long.
Why is the woman afraid of the vampire?
A: Because he is all bite and no bark.
Why do skeletons enjoy sex with dainty women?
A: They like to bone a petite.
Why do Halloween ghosts moan, tremble, and shiver?
A: Because of what’s happening under that sheet.
How do skeletons make babies?
A: They bone.
Why are male ghosts attracted to female ghosts?
A: Because of their boo-bies.
Why do witches wear no panties?
A: For better grip on the broom.
Why can’t the ghost have any children?
A: He has a Halloweenie.
Why do the witches hate hanging out with the headless horseman?
A: He’s obsessed with getting head.
What happens when two vampires meet?
A: It’s love at first bite!
Why don’t witches have babies?
A: Their husbands have crystal balls.
What’s it like to be kissed by a vampire?
A: It’s a pain in the neck.
Funny Halloween Jokes For Seniors

What did one skeleton say to the other?
A: I’ve got a bone to pick with you.
What type of plants do well on All Hallow’s Eve?
A: Bam-BOO!
What was the chicken ghost’s name?
A: Poultrygeist.
What do you call a ghost hornet?
A: A boo-bee.
Why don’t werewolves ever know the time?
A: Because they’re not whenwolves.
What’s a vampire’s favorite fruit?
A: Neck-tarines.
Why shouldn’t you date a mummy?
A: They’re too wrapped up in themselves.
Where do ghosts go on vacation?
A: Mali-boo.
What did the ghost say when it fell down?
A: I got a boo-boo.
What do you call a cow on Halloween?
A: A boo-vine.
How do you get rid of demons?
A: Exorcise a lot.
What kind of rocks do ghosts collect?
A: Tombstones.
What is a zombie sleepover called?
A: Mass grave.
Funny Halloween Jokes For Trick or Treating

What do birds say on Halloween?
A: Trick or tweet!
What do owls say when they go trick or treating?
A: Happy Owl-ween!
What do eye doctors give out on Halloween as treats?
A: Candy Corneas!
What treat do eye doctors give out on Halloween?
A: Candy corneas.
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